Blatant Censorship: The Great YouTube Purge

A massive YouTube purge has taken place. Several channels have been removed from the platform proving truth is treason in the empire of lies.

Let me preface this by saying that whether you do or do not agree with the content published by some channels on YouTube, no one deserves to have the boot of tyranny on their throat or their voice silenced for any reason. Ever.   “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” – George R.R. Martin.

As far as I, personally am concerned, the content published on any of the sites purged is irrelevant. Censorship in any and all forms is immoral all the time.

“Censorship is to society what cancer is to the body.” –Brian, High Impact TV

“Those who burn books today will be burning bodies tomorrow,” Brian says.  Make no mistake, this is digital book burning. It’s time to come together and stand up for basic fundamental human rights. This is extremely serious, and it’s no exaggeration to say so.

This blatant censorship says one thing: the mainstream media and the controllers who pull the strings are scared. If they weren’t terrified of us, they wouldn’t be trying so hard to shut any of us up. The truth will prevail regardless.

We Are All Living The Dream

Here is the list of the channels that we know about that were removed just today:

Destroying the Illusion



Joe M


X22 Report

Edge of Wonder

SGT Report



Amazing Polly

Truth & Art TV


Dustin Nemos



Stroppy Me

JustInformed Talk



The Last American Vagabond

Titus Frost

Dollar Vigilante

World Alternative Media

Try to find as many of these as you can on Bitchute or Steemit. Please try to take a few minutes to find any of these creators and support them on alternate sites.  This is economic terrorism. These people’s livelihoods were removed because they disagree with the official narrative.

Sean from SGT Report is trying to help et the word out about this. But honestly, as Brian from High Impact TV says is “we are all on borrowed time” now. This proves it. Please Tweet to @TeamYouTube and ask them to reverse this for any and all of these channels. I would happily do the same for you regardless of whether I agree with what you are saying or not. This is tyrannical enslavement.

SGT Report, for example, had access to both of his channels terminated for releasing a video last night about the new Hunter Biden emails, and the Seal Team 6 information coming from whistleblower Allen Parrot and Benghazi whistleblower Nick Noe.  Sean’s work can still be seen at SGTreport.TV and on Patreon and Bitchute (link above).

We need to rise up and stand together. We DO NOT have to agree on everything. But it’s time to call a spade a spade. The system is eliminating people and that should be intolerable to every single human being with an ounce of compassion left in their soul.

If you have been one of those constantly asking in the comments what you can do, you can at least stand against this and support these silenced channels and those who run them. It’s time to stand against this corrupt system of censorship and fascism.

Get ready, because things could get extremely intense from here.

Originally published by Mac Slavo at SHTFplan.

2 thoughts on “Blatant Censorship: The Great YouTube Purge

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