No Arrests? 10-Year-Old Drag Queen Photographed With Naked Adult Male

By Tim Brown | Sons Of Liberty | January 15, 2019

On Monday, 10-year-old Canadian boy Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden, aka “Queen Lactacia,”  was featured in a photo spread by Jonathan Frederick Turton in full drag with a naked adult male drag star.  When are people going to have enough?

The Daily Wire reports:

Young Nemis, whose drag name is “Queen Lactacia,” was shot by photographer Jonathan Frederick Turton for the spread. In one of the shots that did not make the magazine, Nemis, in full drag makeup and a black dress, is posing for a photo with the Season 7 winner of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” Violet Chachki. In the shocking photo, Violet is wearing nothing but a pair of heels and a small piece of fabric covering his genitals, as seen in the screenshot below: (you can see the picture if you really care to here.)

“Interviewed and photographed [Queen Lactatia] for [Huck Magazine] about life as a child drag queen,” posted Turton.

Turton, according to his website, “is a multi-media content producer with specialisms in photography, videography and journalism.” He claims to have shot for mainstream outlets and businesses like the BBC, Adidas, Dazed and Confused Magazine, and The Discovery Channel.

In the jarring Huck Magazine piece — which ironically bashes Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro for calling out parents for over-sexualizing their “drag kids” — Nemis’ mother, Jessica Melancon, conceded that drag has a sexual component and is unapologetic about her young son wearing sexually suggestive clothing if it “makes him feel beautiful”:

“Drag is an adult arena and that’s where people question our judgement,” concedes Jessica. “So we have to censor things. He knows there are adult aspects of drag that he’s not allowed to apply to his show.”

“We would never try to overtly sexualise our child. But if he wears something that makes him feel beautiful, what right do I have to stop him wearing that dress because it might cause people to think things they shouldn’t be thinking? It’s a circular problem.”

This isn’t a new thing either.  When the little boy was 8-years-old, he was in Elle magazine.

If the above doesn’t get your blood boiling and angry, then you can check out a piece on little Nemis when he was 9 at Pink News (be warned its a sodomite magazine).

LifeSite even wrote about the fact that it is clear this little boy is being abused as he has no problem not only dressing up this way and acting like this but also carries messages that clearly indicate he is being sexually abused.

Nicole Russell writes at the Washington Examiner that this isn’t “progressive,”  it’s child abuse.  Indeed it is.

Russell writes:

Move over transgender kids, there is a new trend in town. Drag kids — kids dressed in full garb of their biologically opposite gender — are now joining the scene with transgender kids. The parents, guardians, and advocates of transgender or drag kids are not only supportive, but seem to be encouraging the child’s experience and publicity.

There’s nothing politically correct about this new frontier; it’s abuse, merely distorted and cloaked in progressivism.

The Advocate reported that Lactatia was “encouraged by his supportive parents” and began taking classes to perfect his art. “Lactatia’s public presence grew exponentially after he recently appeared at the Montreal stop of the Werq the World drag tour. RuPaul’s Drag Race star Bianca del Rio invited Lactatia up to the stage and the younger queen charmed the dress off the older queen (though Lactatia admitted his favorite Drag Race queen is Ginger Minj).”

Any parent of an elementary school-aged child knows children can’t wear clothes they don’t have or drive themselves places. The parents of these drag kids, are not just supporting it but encouraging it by purchasing supplies and carting their kids to drag events. This seems not only bizarre but abusive in the sense that it’s an unnatural distortion of healthy child’s play.

This trend is not about a child “being himself” but a parent encouraging an agenda that is unhealthy for a young child to embrace.

Now, Russell adds, “Certainly Hilton is not physically abusing these drag kids and neither, likely, are the children’s parents.”

I have to ask, are you sure about that Ms. Russell?  Are you absolutely certain?  How does a young boy like this have the filthy mouth he has, pushing an agenda and the sensuality that he is pushing without being subjected to physical, sexual abuse.  I’ll bet if an investigation would ensue, and it should, there is no doubt in my mind that sexual abuse would be found.

Why this boys’ parents aren’t in trouble with the law is beyond me and why those photographing him with naked men aren’t being arrested is beyond my comprehension as well.

Nothing was done when little Desmond was paraded in the States and showed up dancing in an adult sodomite club with half-naked men throwing money at him.  Nothing is done on behalf of little Nemis here.  I can tell you this:  By not doing anything to those involved, you are only encouraging more depravity, more Sodom and Gomorrah and more child abuse.  Mark my words!  It’s time to bring justice against these abusers of children.

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab and Steemit


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