The Collapse of the United States Is No Longer Avoidable

Within the last few days two commentators I respect—The Saker and Dmitry Orlov—have written that the United States is now undergoing systemic collapse.
My view, reflected in my articles published over the years, is that the United States ceased to exist decades ago. It is only the foundational strength of the country put in place by great men, such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison, that has kept the image alive of a functioning country. The house that sat on the foundation long ago washed away in the flood of anti-American propaganda from the self-hating white liberal elites who dominate education, media, and government. Today the statues of our great founders are themselves pulled down and desecrated by the ignorant products of American education.
Fifteen months ago, I posted a column, “Western Culture Has Died a Politially Correct Death” — Nothing could be more obvious today. George Floyd, a felon, misogynist woman abuser who killed himself with an overdose of Fentanyl, has been elevated into a national hero. The police officer restraining him when he self-desructed is charged with murder. Americans are so poorly educated that they do not know that a knee on the side of the neck does not obstruct breathing. Floyd couldn’t breathe because the fatal dose of Fentanyl was killing him. You can get the facts of the effects of Fentanyl from this official source:
Here is the medical examiner’s report:
Unless the false murder charge against the police officer is withdrawn, do not expect police protection from black and Antifa violence.
The fact of the matter is that the United States, its history, and all of its meritorious values have been denounced by white liberal elites as racist and evil. The charge is no longer limited to the South. It goes far beyond to the Founding Fathers, to the United States Constitution, to the national anthem, to mathematics, to science and the Englsh language, all of which, along with the concept of truth itself, has been defined as racist America.
The United States has lost its youth. Indoctrinated by their education to see white people as the source of abuse and oppression of other races, young whites have been deracinated. They view their history and culture as shameful. The Pew Research Center found that only 17% of the Black Lives Matter protesters were black, whereas 46% of the protesters were white, largely Democrats under 30 years of age.
Once the bedrock of a country is discredited among the young generation, the country collapses. It is too late to do anything about it. The question is: who will survive it?
Not white people:
Originally published by Paul Craig Roberts.
Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.