# Take A Knee

     L. Steele | America Uncensore | September 24, 2017

There is a lot of buzz going on in the media lately about Colin Kaepernick’s big stand off with the U.S. government. Particularly on social media where hashtags such as #TakeAKnee and #TakeTheKnee have been trending near the top for nearly three days. Twitter has been lit up with users tweeting their thoughts on the issue of NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem. Everyone chiming in with their opinions of the most important issue of the week.

The buzz started not long after President Trump ignited the flames of attention in his speech in Huntsville, Alabama on Friday.

“We’re proud of our country. We respect our flag. Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of a bitch off the field, right now, out? He’s fired.”

 Trump went on to fuel the flames on Saturday when he took to twitter just before noon.


The two tweet’s combined gained Trump 318k likes, 108k comments and 85k re-tweets. Spiraling a slew of hastags such as #TakeAKnee and #TakeTheKnee, social media’s top trending hash tags, all weekend long. 

While the President is right about feeling upset with these athlete’s disrespect for the national anthem, he is wrong for thinking they should face consequences for doing so. The national anthem represents this nation and the people in it, so taking a knee is showing disrespect. However, what makes this country great is our Constitution which gets attacked from every direction. The constitution guarantees our right to free speech. If these players want to sit out the national anthem, they have the right to do so. We don’t have to support their actions, but we do have to support their constitutional rights.



President Trump’s rants combined with NFL commissioner Roger Goodel’sl  full support of the player’s who chose to disrespect our national anthem, ensures more athletes will take a knee. 

The Cleveland Browns did not miss the chance on Sunday when a dozen players chose to take a knee in the largest national anthem protest yet. As reported by ESPN.

“There’s a lot of racial and social injustices in the world that are going on right now,” rookie safety Jabrill Peppers said after the Browns’ second win in two preseason games. “We just decided to take a knee and pray for the people who have been affected and just pray for the world in general.”

While it is hard to frown on the player’s choice to pray for social injustice, the manner in which they do so could be questioned. Other questions arise as well. What do NFL stars really know about social injustice? If they really cared about the issue, why wouldn’t they use the proven method of digging into their fat wallets to help solve such an issue? Perhaps raping crack whores gets too expensive. If they really wanted to draw attention to the issue, why wouldn’t they wait until they game starts to take a knee and pray? Can’t do that, just ask Tim Tebow.

The tweets sparked a lesser but more agreeable trend,  #BoycottNFL. With users tweeting that it was time to boycott the NFL for their disrespect of the national anthem.

#TakeAKnee highlights what is wrong with America. Football is so imprtant and enormous weath passes through the NFL while real important issues take a back seat. The world is on the verge of nuclear world war three. America is still recovering from hurricanes, fires and floods. Hurricane victims being placed on FEMA ships, and homeless people being killed off in shelters. You won’t find those issues trending on twitter, or anywhere else in the media.


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