Why Are We Not Referring To MSM & Democrats As “Conspiracy Theorists”? The Truth About “Russian Collusion”

“WMD damaged the media’s reputation.  Russiagate may have destroyed it.” -Matt Taibbi

You’ve heard it all before.  You are called a “conspiracy theorist” in order to silence any questioning of the narrative you’re fed from the state-controlled, propaganda outlets known as the mainstream media.  You are also called that if you start connecting the dots to criminal politicians, whether in DC, State or local politics.  More on that in a moment, but these people assume there is no evidence to connectin the dots or questioning an official narrative when there is evidence to suggest otherwise.  So, since there is now officially no, nada, zero, zip evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election cycle, should we not start labeling mainstream media outlets like MSNBC, CNN and others, as well as high and low ranking Democrats as “conspiracy theorists,” only with an emphasis of not a shred of evidence of their claims?

First, keep in mind a report by Corey Lynn on the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists.”  She writes:

In 1976, the New York Times obtained a document they requested via the Freedom of Information Act.

This document was a C.I.A. Dispatch labeled “psych” for “psychological operations” that was distributed in 1967, indicating they coined the phrase “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists” to attack anyone who challenged the official narrative from the Warren Commission. It also has a CS indicated on it, which stands for “clandestine services” unit.

These labels have continued ever since they coined the phrase in the 1960’s, with the intention of stifling any truths from getting out. Pay close attention to those using the labels and the information they are referring to. This will be your first clue that truth lies within and they are trying to deflect it. The bottom line is there are hundreds if not thousands of conspiracies taking place all around us – legitimate ones. While they are busy misdirecting with their “conspiracy theorist” labels, evidence is being dug up, they are being exposed, and what they claim to be theory is TRUTH.

There are some disputes out there as to whether the C.I.A. was the first to use the term because it has been printed in a handful of political books from the late 1800’s. The inception of the C.I.A. was in 1947 and this “psych” dispatch went out in 1967. It is from that point on that the term “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” have been shoved down our throats. It was weaponized, just as so many other labels have been used to distract, manipulate and change the narrative to suit their agenda.

See and Read the full C.I.A. Dispatch here.

This brings us to the topic of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists who promoted for over two years the nonsense we now refer to as “Russian collusion.”  They have done so not based on actual, verified evidence, no actual videos, or anything else, but only on a dossier that was funded by Trump’s political opponent and handled by the FBI.

Even after two years of investigating, there is still no evidence of Russian collusion by the Trump campaign, and Democrats and media alike are continuing to profess there is.  There is ample evidence of Russian collusion in the Obama administration though, which included Hillary Clinton.

Will the media be held accountable?  Don’t hold your breath.

So, what is the truth in all of this?

Paul Joseph Watson comments on the “fake news conspiracy theory” the media has been pushing on the American people for the last two years in his new video commentary as the “biggest fake news conspiracy theory since Saddam Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction.”

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit


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