Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders was recently schooled by a lesson on minimum wage.  After raising the minimum wage of his staffers to $15 per hour, the socialist cut everyone’s hours.

“Breadlines Bernie” found out on his own what a disaster liberal policies can be on a person’s personal finances. After cutting hours to make good on his $15/hour pledge, Sanders was mocked by both sides for his inability to understand simple mathematics and economics 101.

“Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced this weekend he will cut staffers’ hours so that they can effectively be paid a $15-an-hour minimum wage, prompting mockery from critics who say the move is more evidence that Sanders’ plan to raise the national minimum wage is hypocritical and would only lead to less work and more unemployment,” reports Fox News.

By cutting the hours in order to pay for the hourly increase in pay, staffers aren’t actually making any more money.  As the Wall Street Journal puts it: Bernie Sanders belongs on his own enemies list.  The actions of socialists have always been nothing more than authoritarian and hypocritical, but at least this time, the action comes with a powerful economics lesson. By his own actions, Sanders shows he disagrees with the socialist policies he advocates.

People should take pride in voluntarily helping their fellow humans.  Andy Puzder of the Wall Street Journal writes: “It is the essence of capitalism that individuals benefit personally from doing so. The result is prosperity and abundance. Socialism’s redistribution discourages them from aspiring to create more, causing poverty and want.” Puzder is number 3 on Sander’s “top 13 enemies” list.

Sanders also expressed his infuriation at his staffers going to the media over the socialist’s hypocritical stance. “It does bother me that people are going outside of the process and going to the media,” Sanders added. “That is really not acceptable. It is really not what labor negotiations are about, and it’s improper.”  Sanders apparently, wants his real self hidden from ignorant socialists.

“For the first time in his life, socialist Bernie Sanders practices economics and, buddy, the results are hilarious,” wrote columnist and humorist Stephen Miller. He added: “Why won’t millionaire Bernie Sanders, who owns 3 homes, instead of cutting hours, pay his staff a living wage? People are starving.”

“This situation is an instructive example of the downside of more than doubling the minimum wage,” wrote The Blaze‘s Aaron Colen. “Companies don’t just suddenly get more money to pay employees. They have to make tough decisions; usually either cutting hours or worse, cutting staff.”

Contributed by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.