Bundy Attorney Who Argued For Client’s Release Faces Disbarment Hearing – Law Violating Prosecutor In Bundy Ranch Case Keeps Job

Tim Brown | Freedom Outpost | January 6, 2018
If this doesn’t show you how crooked the federal judicial system is, nothing will.
Ammon Bundy’s attorney in the Oregon Malheur Wildlife Refuge case, Marcus Mumford, had criminal charges filed against him after he was tased and tackled by federal marshalls for simply arguing for his client’s release in court.
Listen to his account of what happened.
Judge Anna Brown said that Mumford was issuing a threat, and that is why he was charged.
Back in April 2017, The Oregonian reported:
Attorney Marcus Mumford, who last month had criminal charges dismissed against him stemming from his arrest on the day his client Ammon Bundy was acquitted of conspiracy in federal court in Portland, now faces more legal challenges.
Oregon’s Chief U.S. District Judge Michael W. Mosman is seeking to revoke Mumford’s ability to practice law in any federal court in the District of Oregon, a rare move.
In a court filing Wednesday, Mosman cited Mumford’s repeated failures or refusals to observe court rulings in the Bundy trial last fall, repeated instances of Mumford arguing with the judge with a raised voice and sometimes in the jury’s presence, inappropriate commentary on a witness in the presence of a jury, his arguing for Bundy’s release from trial after his acquittal “without a good-faith basis to believe that the pre-existing custody order” from Nevada was not still in effect and his yelling at the court when he objected to the trial judge’s rulings.
Mosman also alleged that Mumford failed to timely disclose to the trial judge that Rick Koerber, who served as part of Bundy’s defense team, was also a client of Mumford’s in an unrelated, criminal proceeding. In 2014, a federal judge in Utah tossed out 18 charges against Koerber that had alleged he operated a giant Ponzi scheme through his real estate company, but Koerber was recently re-indicted on 18 charges in January.
The judge filed 25 exhibits with his order, mostly transcripts from Bundy’s trial to support his move to revoke Mumford’s admission to practice in federal court in Oregon.
For Mumford’s part, he simply responded in an email, “My initial reaction is ‘the Empire strikes back.’ I know of no court order that I violated, and no reason to impose some kind of lifetime ban to practice law in Oregon.”
Mumford then filed an 11-page memo in which he wrote about the challenges against the court he raised during the trial.
“In these matters, I do not necessarily intend to argue in each instance that I was right and the court was wrong,” Mumford wrote. “As Judge Brown pointed out, there were several instances over the course of the trial where we likely just misunderstood each other.”
“There should be no mistake that I think the Court is gravely mistaken to even issue its (order to show cause),” Mumford added. “Nevertheless, I take this matter seriously.”
However, NextRush Free reports, “Judge [John C.] Coughenour agreed to a request by federal prosecutors to drop the criminal charges after Mumford’s lawyer asked for communications between the marshals. Mumford’s legal assistant and other defense lawyers said the federal marshals in the courtroom were antagonistic towards him.”
As of today, Nextrush Free reported, “In a series of rulings Judge Coughenour has ruled against Mumford including this latest request for a delay citing a new lawyer representing him and the presence of witnesses in Nevada this Monday January 8th (in connection with the Bunkerville Standoff case). Marcus Mumford also brought up personal and financial issues in his filing with the judge.”
Mumford’s hearing is scheduled Monday morning January 8th at 10am.
Now, contrast that with Bundy Ranch Standoff prosecutor Steven Myhre.
Myhre engaged, and has a history of engaging, in multiple Brady violations to rig the case in his favor, which could have led to wrong convictions in the first trial, intimidation that led to plea bargains in the first two trials and definitely led to a mistrial in the last one.
And what happened to Mr. Myhre?
Well, first, he was not arrested and charged with a crime, which he should have been.
Second, he was then allowed to actually file to retry the Bundys and Ryan Payne after his “willful” violation of federal law and the rights of the defendants.
Third, following a look into the matter by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Myhre was not fired and brought up on charges. He was simply demoted and another man took his place.
Does anyone see the glaring injustice here?
One attorney merely argues for his client’s release which is not criminal and another attorney willfully violates federal law.
One had charges against him but were dropped when his accusers were called on it. The other has had no charges against him.
One is facing disbarment. The other continues to have a job in Nevada where he can continue to violate the law and the rights of the citizens.
This is not equal protection under the law, friends, nor is it justice.
This is how tyranny works.
Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. Follow Tim on Twitter.
Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit