If you want to work and earn a living in the United States, you are going to have to take an experimental gene therapy shot. Many businesses are now required a COVID “vaccine” as a condition of employment and are even stating that in the job listings.
The share of job posts that require a Covid vaccine were up 34% on August 7 when compared to the prior month, according to data from the job website, Indeed. This analysis was over a seven-day period. This has always been a part of the agenda to get people injected with whatever the hell is those syringes.
Some job listings aren’t specific, meaning they ask for vaccination without explicitly mentioning the Covid “vaccines” which aren’t vaccines.Those listings are up 90% over the same period. “They don’t mean the polio vaccine. It’s so apparent [they mean Covid-19],” according to AnnElizabeth Konkel, an economist at the Indeed Hiring Lab who authored the analysis.
The jump in businesses requiring a vaccine for new hires also coincides with a record number of U.S. job openings in June.
Those who continue to disobey the ruling class and refuse to get injected upon command are going to see their lives become more and more restrictive. The ruling class will be sure to have two classes of people, and those slaves who dissent will be punished harshly for not wanting to take a drug for a virus that is being shown to not exist at all. This is all part of the agenda. The “vaccine” is a piece, and it looks like a large one at that, considering the constant propaganda push for everyone to get it.
“Broadly, the trend is more job postings are requiring the Covid-19 vaccine,” Konkel said. “I really think we’re on the cusp of a potentially booming trend.” The seven-day average of new Covid cases on Wednesday (more than 114,000 infections) was up 64% from just two weeks earlier, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. The average number of cases is at its highest level since February.
Keep in mind, that data comes from the ruling class, those attempting to permanently subjugate the whole of humanity.
So far, just 59% of Americans eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine (anyone 12 years and older) are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. Not to mention the rulers are going to rely on business-owning slaves to force compliance with the shots as well.
“We are also being asked by state and local governments to require vaccinations for corporate employees because getting more of the population vaccinated reduces our own chances of being infected and contributes to community protection,” McDonald’s global chief people officer Heidi Capozzi said in an internal note obtained by CNBC.
This situation we find ourselves in reminds me of a quote:
“I’m not scared of the Maos and the Stalins and the Hitlers. I’m scared of the thousands of millions of people that hallucinate them to be “authority”, and so do their bidding, and pay for their empires, and carry out their orders. I don’t care if there’s one looney with a stupid mustache. He’s not a threat if the people do not believe in “authority”.” -Larken Rose
The vast majority of theft, extortion, intimidation, harassment, assault, and even murder – in other words, the vast majority of man’s inhumanity to man – comes not from the greed, hatred, and intolerance that lurks in our hearts. Rather, it comes from one pernicious and almost universal assumption, one unquestioned belief, one irrational, self-contradictory superstition: the belief in “authority”.
Originally published by Mac Slavo at SHTFplan.