SHOCK: An Elon University Professor Is Using Software To Provide Private Details On American Patriots To The Domestic Terror Group Antifa

Alex Thomas | SHTFplan | January 17, 2017
In an absolutely shocking revelation, a report from Wired Magazine has revealed that a professor at Elon University has devised a so-called “secret weapon”, in support of Antifa, that allows her to keep tabs on at least 400,000 Americans who she believes are members of the alt-right.
The data is then provided to not only the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center but also directly to radical members of the domestic terror group Antifa who in turn presumably use the doxxed information to target said Americans.
The Wired Magazine report details the work of Megan Squire, a 45-year-old professor professor of computer science at Elon who have developed the software for the hard-left with the admitted aim at not only getting right-wing patriots fired from their jobs but also possibly killed, as Antifa has been known in the past to violently assault anyone that they believe to be a member of the alt-right.
Amazingly Wired Magazine makes a women literally giving private details on people she just flat out claims are racist to a domestic terrorist group sound like some sort of hero.
The Wired article first describes an initial list of supposed alt-right Americans who Squire targeted for harassment, intimidation, and possible death.
Once she had a long list of people to investigate, Squire opened a database of her own design—named Whack-a-Mole—which contains, as far as anyone can tell, the most robust trove of information on far-right extremists. When she cross-checked the names, she found that many matched, strengthening her belief in the authenticity of the leak.
By midafternoon, Squire was exchanging messages via Slack with an analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a 46-year-old organization that monitors hate groups. Squire often feeds data to the SPLC, whose analysts might use it to provide information to police or to reveal white supremacists to their employers, seeking to get them fired. She also sent several high-profile names from the list to another contact, a left-wing activist who she knew might take more radical action—like posting their identities and photos online, for the public to do with what it would.
Wired then describes Squire’s program that she claims has exposed upwards of 400,000 Americans who she believes are members of the alt-right and should therefore be attacked in a variety of different ways.
Whack-a-Mole, her creation, is a set of programs that monitors some 400,000 accounts of white nationalists on Facebook and other websites and feeds that information into a centralized database.
She insists she is scrupulous to not break the law or violate Facebook’s terms of service. Nor does she conceal her identity, in person or online: “We shouldn’t have to mask up to say Nazis are bad. And I want them to see I don’t fit their stereotypes—I’m not a millennial or a ‘snowflake.’ I’m a peaceful white mom who definitely doesn’t like what they’re saying.”
The piece then makes clear that Squire is DIRECTLY working with a domestic terrorist organization to target said Americans.
Though Squire may be peaceful herself, among her strongest allies are “antifa” activists, the far-left antifascists. She doesn’t consider herself to be antifa and pushes digital activism instead of the group’s black-bloc tactics, in which bandanna-masked activists physically attack white supremacists.
But she is sympathetic to antifa’s goal of silencing racist extremists and is unwilling to condemn their use of violence, describing it as the last resort of a “diversity of tactics.” She’s an intelligence operative of sorts in the battle against far-right extremism, passing along information to those who might put it to real-world use. Who might weaponize it.
At this point one has to wonder, especially considering we already know that there is absolutely not 400,000 racist Americans spreading their views on Facebook, what Squire is using to determine who is and isn’t a member of the alt-right.
As The Daily Caller reported, Squire is actually using legitimate wording routinely used by mainstream conservatives throughout social media or, in other words, her system is being used not to simply target terrible racists, but to actually expose American patriots whose only crime is being conservative.
On a recently published post on Squire’s blog, the professor classifies what constitutes a “far-right extremist” by 12 different ideologies. She uses a variety of keywords to identify so-called extremists, including popular terms like “anti-SJW,” “anti-Obama,” “No Sharia Law,” “rebel,” patriot,” and even “kek.”
As Far Left Watch notes, the vague keywords offer no guarantee that most of the 400,000 individuals on her list are “far-right extremists.” Furthermore, even if they were, vigilante action taken by Antifa supporters against any of these people could result in harm to both innocent people marked as targets, or their assailants.
Make no mistake, this is literally a women building a database on patriotic conservative Americans, with some racists throw in, and then providing the details to a group that openly uses violence against Trump supporters or anyone else that they have deemed to be “fascist”.
“The people who are targeted and assaulted by far-left groups like antifa cover a wide political spectrum. Anyone framing this growing conflict as simply “antifascist vs. white supremacist” is uninformed at best and operating with malicious intent at worst. This article by Wired is a continuation of the ongoing media campaign to normalize and popularize political violence from the left,” Far Left Watch continued.
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