Vaccine industry pushing state laws to TRACK your “vaccine status” with pharma surveillance tactics

Vicki Batts | Natural News | Jan. 23, 2018
Freedom in Florida is under attack again, as state legislators seek to pass multiple vaccine-related bills to restrict personal liberty. Under these unconstitutional pieces of legislation, law-makers would “delete” parental rights regarding vaccine tracking. Senate Bill 1680 was filed on January 5, 2018 — and under this bill, parents would no longer have the right to “opt-out” of having their child’s vaccination status monitoring by bureaucratic government agencies. This bill would require students have a vaccination record on file with the government to attend school.
House Bill 1045, introduced December 19, 2017, seeks to exact similar measures — by requiring “electronic availability” of vaccination records. The bill would also revise the vaccine requirements needed for public school students. HB 1045 would also demand that students have a “certificate of immunization on file with the Department of Health.”
Both bills serve to restrict a parent’s right to protect their children’s privacy — or rather, eliminate it entirely.
The Florida State Health Department already operates a vaccine registry, but under current laws, parents still have the right to refuse to participate if they don’t want their children on “the list.” But, as a recent release from the Florida National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Advocacy Team explains:
However, the health department has been openly circumventing the current law keeping everyone’s information without legal authority even after someone opts out using the state provided form. Instead of deleting records, the health department admits they will keep them and will only limit data sharing as they admit on their site: “If you choose to opt out, your child’s record will continue to be in the registry, but it will not be accessible to anyone but the child’s current doctor.”
So, even opting out doesn’t delete a child’s record in its entirety; what kind of liberties will the government grant themselves under these new (unconstitutional) bills? Urgent action is needed to oppose these bills and protect health freedom in Florida. As the Florida NVIC team contends, SB 1680 and HB 1045 pave the way to legalize the government’s atrocious (and presently illegal) actions regarding those who try to opt-out. Further, these two bills will remove parental choice in virtually every sense.
You can learn more about contacting your Florida state representatives to oppose these bills here.
Another controversial bill was also introduced in Florida — one that would mandate all public school students be vaccinated with the highly detested HPV vaccine. Despite the numerous reports of harm, Florida politicians are seemingly doing everything in their power to appease Big Pharma. In addition to trying to force every parent and child to take part in their Big Brother-ish vaccine registry, they are also trying to coerce parents into vaccinating their children with an inoculation that has harmed countless children.
Under Florida’s SB 1558, male and female students between 11 and 12 years old would be forced to get the HPV vaccine — if they wish to continue attending school. Some are even calling SB 1558 the “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act,” despite the fact that it is egregiously incorrect to claim that any vaccine will flat-out prevent cancer. Even the former Merck scientist who helped create these worthless jabs has admitted “there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer.”
So, why must children be forced to get the HPV vaccine? Further, you might question what right does the government have to enforce these kinds of absurd laws that completely violate your rights as a parent — and your child’s rights as a human being.
As usual, establishment politicians seem to have little concern for the actual well-being of their constituents. It is up to the people of Florida to speak up and demand that their government officials stop trying to trample over personal liberty. [Related: Read more stories like this at]
Originally Published @ Natural News
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