“Don’t Tempt Me!”: Hillary Clinton Threatens To Enter Presidential Race



Hillary Clinton has threatened to enter the 2020 presidential race for president. After President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter that Clinton toss her hat in the ring in an effort to “steal it away” from Elizabeth Warren, the defeated former first lady said: “Don’t tempt me!”

On Tuesday, Trump tweeted that Crooked Hillary” should run for president again to deprive the Uber Left Warren of a shot at the White House, but only on “one condition to be subpoenaed to “explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors.”

According to RT, a mere 5 hours later, Clinton replied: Don’t tempt me. Do your job.” The reactions to Clinton’s warning were mixed, to say the least. While mainstream media outlets seemed to love the idea, many social media users recoiled in horror at the thought of a 2016 re-run.   “I don’t think my heart could take it” if Hillary really runs again, one fan proclaimed on Twitter.

Clinton’s allies often point out that she won 3 million votes more than Trump in 2016, calling him an illegitimate president even though he won 304 electoral college votes to her 227.

According to the FEC (Federal Election Commission), Hillary’s campaign is still raising money, adding more speculation that she could be running.

Could it be possible that Hillary Clinton is preparing to jump into the presidential race?  According to the FEC, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is still active, and it actually raised $165,902.73 during the first six months of 2019.

During that same period of time, the campaign spent $131,112.68, and that left her with a war chest of $650,264.43.  That isn’t enough to win the Democratic nomination, but it would certainly be enough to get another run for the White House off the ground rather quickly.  “Hillary For America” is the name of her official campaign committee, and during 2015 and 2016 it raised a total of $585,669,598.83, but that still wasn’t enough to beat Donald Trump.  However, with impeachment mania reaching a fever pitch in Washington and with the Biden campaign fading, Hillary may sense an opening.  She had a full slate of media appearances scheduled for this week, and so far she has done nothing to dispel the rumors that she may be getting into the race. –End of the American Dream

The Clinton’s are like a bad cold.  Just when you think you’re rid of them for good, they come back with a vengeance.


Originally published by Mac Slavo at SHTFplan.